This is a series of conversations to explore how other artists and creatives are spending their time and energy during the quarantine. In today's episode: Jenny Kern.
(original picture by Chris O’Neill)
» Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I’m an indie singer-songwriter based in Brooklyn, NY.
» How did the quarantine affect your work?
The pandemic has had a huge affect on my work. Before all of this happened I was playing multiple shows a month, writing daily, and getting together to work creatively with other artists. Once the pandemic hit I, along with many, was forced to change my day-to-day. Slowly over the last few months, I've adapted more. I started doing Zoom/FaceTime writing sessions and I've done a couple of live streams (which aren't the same as a live show but better than nothing). Since work hasn't been possible I've definitely had a lot of free time. Even with all that time I haven’t been able to be as creative as I want to be. Whether it's the stress of progressing in the face of uncertainty or just finding other outlets of work to sustain a living it's been really difficult. But I think it's about doing one creative act each day. Indulging in the curiosity and ignoring the pressure. The most important thing is maintaining physical and mental health.
» Did you have any big plans for 2020 that you had to cancel or postpone it? what was the impact?
I had a lot in the works at the beginning of 2020. Trips to Europe, a potential tour opportunity, and studio time. Unfortunately, the travel component and all live shows are not possible in 2020 but we're working on a way to start production on an upcoming EP. It is going to be a very different experience with the bulk of the process being remote/via zoom but I'm still very excited to start. Not sure if I'll be able to release it before the end of 2020 but my team is going to work really hard to get new content out soon.
» Since quarantine started, did you start any new projects, pick up any new hobbies, develop new abilities, etc?
I can't say I've been baking bread and learning to knit however I have taken this time to work on myself and develop as a person. Is that cheesy?
One of the biggest things for me has been going back to therapy. In the early stages of COVID/quarantine, I felt myself slipping back into a bit of a depression. I knew, based on my past experience, that I needed to get some help and start talking again. That has been pretty game-changing for me because it's not only helped me heal in many ways but I started changing my perspective on a lot of things in life.
In terms of hobbies, I've been reading more, writing in my journal, and exercising a bunch. Running and biking (with a mask!) have been huge outlets to relieve anxiety and stay moving during the quarantine. I've been connecting a lot more with family and friends. Because you can't see people, maintaining connections is essential. I've built strong relationships with some friends and I talk to my family on a regular basis which I'm so grateful for. I also started going on photography walks where I head to the park with my camera and just shoot. No pressure, no real goal. Just to enjoy the process.
I figure if it doesn't feel right to write music every day or play as often as I'd like then at least I can grow in other ways.
» If so, is there anywhere online we can see what you've been up to?
I've been working on recording videos for YouTube. Recently I covered one of my favourite songs "Hey, Ma" by Bon Iver. Next up are a couple of live sessions for my original music. I'm excited to share it.
Other than that, following me on Instagram (@jennykernmusic) would be a key way to see what I'm up to. I post a lot of my activities on my story and keep people up to date on what's happening on my feed. By the request of many, I also started posting covers and original music on TikTok (that platform is hard to navigate ... young kids are really creative!)
» Any advice for people who are losing their minds and looking for new things to do/try?
My biggest piece of advice is to show yourself compassion and ignore the voice of pressure. I think with quarantine and staying home a lot of people feel as though they HAVE to do new things or master something. But I think that's an unhealthy approach to our current time. Do what feels right, not what everyone else is doing. Be flexible, patient, and adapt, especially if you try something new you might not be very good at it at first. But it's important to make sure you're doing it because of a genuine curiosity not just because it's the "right thing to do". Most important thing is to take care of your mental and physical health.
» Any tips on music to listen, books to read, film/tv shows to watch, anything like that?
It's tough to recommend anything because, as someone who has worked in the industry, TV/film is so subjective. I've been rewatching a lot of classic movies and some of my all-time favourites "Good Will Hunting", "The Bourne Identity" and "Saving Private Ryan". If I had to recommend a few shows as of late I'd say "The Good Place", "Pen15", "Euphoria", "The Last Dance", "Normal People" and "Ozark".
I've been listening and discovering so much music during quarantine. I've actually got a few playlists on my Spotify artist page that include a lot of the songs I would recommend. The first is Jenny's Picks and the second is my Isolation Mixtape.
If I had to recommend one album it would be "Punisher" by Phoebe Bridgers. I've had it on repeat since the release. It's actually the best album I've heard in a long time.
» What are the best channels/social media for people to be following you?
You can follow me across social media under @jennykernmusic. Here are some links: Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, Twitter, and YouTube.
if you enjoyed this conversation, you may enjoy the other ones from the series by clicking here.