A few words with Elsie and The Vibe

I've recently photographed Elsie and The Vibe on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
 It'd be so great to be involved in any Disney movie - I've always loved their music!!

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
Elsie: Etta James.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Elsie: Relax! The city moves at a very fast pace, so if I'm not working I use the time to rejuvenate - then play some more music with friends or go to see a gig!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
Elsie: Passionate.

(encore) Where can people listen to your music online? 
Elsie: You can find my music on Spotify, Soundcloud and pretty much all the other places you find music these days! You can also stay up to date with any shows and new releases on my Facebook or Instagram