A few words with Desmond White

I've recently photographed Desmond White on his show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with him about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Desmond White: Eraserhead. Not that it really needs any musical augmentation, but it would have been a fun challenge to match those visuals.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
DWElliott Smith.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
DW: Drive to my favorite Thai supermarket in Queens, 3 Aunties.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
DW: Somnolent.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?

A few words with Boy Who Cried Wolf

I've recently photographed Boy Who Cried Wolf on his show in NYC at Mercury Lounge, and took the opportunity to chat with him about a few other things:

(live at Mercury Lounge, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Mercury Lounge, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Boy Who Cried Wolf: I love horror movies... I'd love to have written the "Halloween" theme by John Carpenter... or the "Psycho" theme by Bernard Herrmann. Both minimal, iconic songs that don't require lyrics to invoke a feeling. The "mother!" score by Johann Johannsson seems mighty interesting too... wish I had done that!

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
BWCW: I missed AFI when they toured "Sing The Sorrow" and will kick myself forever because of it. I wish I had seen Manson during his "Antichrist Superstar" days too.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
BWCW: I'm a bit of a hermit, but when I do emerge from my cave, I like to take long walks. Preferably not on a beach.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
BWCW: Synthmetal

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?

A few words with Emily Browning

I've recently photographed Emily Browning on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Emily Browning: I'm a big sucker for romance movies if they're well written! There's a movie called About Time - a beautiful love story that surrounds a young guy who discovers that he can travel back in time through his own life. The reason I'd want to write a song for this particular movie is because there's no big love-drama or "chase the girl" scene... Instead, it is more focused on the finer details of what it actually means to be in love.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
EBEarth Wind and Fire!

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
EB: I've only been to NYC once and had a total of three days there. But one of my favorite parts was grabbing a bagel with a friend and taking it to Bryant Park - sitting on the grass and watching the local juggling club.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
EB: Intimate

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
I'm mostly active on Instagram but my music is on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud, and Youtube!

A few words with Leah Harris

I've recently photographed Leah Harris on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Leah Harris: I would love to have written a song for August Rush. I found the music in that movie to be so touching. Loved the way different genres were combined too.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
LHRay Charles!! 100%!! He is my hero and I wish I had been around to hear him live. I can only imagine the energy in the room when he's playing live, since the recordings already blow my mind.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
LH: Every time I come to NYC I get locked into the Greenwich Village soul scene and just keep returning to Groove and Cafe Wha? over and over again. Amazing R&B - the songs I grew up with on the Detroit radio - and I absolutely love the musicians that play there!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
LH: Real. I sometimes find it hard to describe the genre of my music, but I always make sure that it's coming from someplace real.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
Instagram: @leahharrismusic
Facebook: www.facebook.com/leahharrismusic
Spotify: Leah Harris Music
YouTube: www.youtube.com/leahharrismusic
Website: www.leahharrismusic.com

A few words with Keith Ward

I've recently photographed Keith Ward on his show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with him about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Keith Ward: "James Bond - Casino Royale". All the Bond movie songs are iconic and this my favorite! 

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
KW: Led Zeppelin

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
KW: Take a long run through Brooklyn and over the bridge.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
KW: Positive.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?

A few words with Mosa

I've recently photographed Mosa on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
MosaThe Endless Summer - that movie embodies such a cool lifestyle, and I'd love to capture the imagery and landscapes through sound. 

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
Mosa: This is a tough one! But probably Bob Dylan, Ray Charles, or Joni Mitchell.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Mosa: Definitely includes eating at Johns Pizzeria on Bleecker street (just order a plain pie) and then going next door for ice cream at Cones (my favorite is a scoop of the almond ice cream and the cantaloupe sorbet.) Then checking out Matt Umanov Guitars across the street and playing some really rad old instruments. I also love wandering around the city and just people watching, hanging out in Washington Square Park, and checking out the farmers market in Union Square.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
Mosa: Genuine.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
(New Album to be recorded in a few weeks... and it's expected to be released Spring 2018!)


A few words with Jessi Mason

I've recently photographed singer/song-writer Jessi Mason on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Jessi Mason: The original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder. I love that that movie is so full of wonder, but is simultaneously pretty dark. I'd want my song to reflect that whimsical eeriness. 

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you wouldn’t miss a concert?
JM: Joni Mitchell

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
JM: Look for good bookstores/coffee!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
JM: Nostalgic.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?


A few words with Scotch the Filmmaker

I've recently photographed Chicago based indie-rock band Scotch the Filmmaker on their show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with them about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
JoePoint Break for me; It is the cult classic of my people.
Franny: Ferris Bueller because of the same reasons.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you wouldn’t miss a concert?
Franny: David Bowie with my dad. That would've been special. They grew up in the same parts of London and he remembers when Bowie was just this new weird kid playing new weird music.
Joe: Ugh, the Family factor would make me want to say Grateful Dead with my dad and brother or Carole King with my mom. Hendrix is it for me: I couldn't miss all that energy, and the guitar playing is still amazing. 

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Joe: Eat. Food culture here is bonkers.
Franny: See a performance of something - comedy, musical, opera, ballet, doesn't matter what.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
Joe: Clever
Franny: Inclusive
Joe: I like hers better.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?


A few words with Ritual Talk

I've recently photographed NYC based Psychedelic Indie Rock band Ritual Talk on their show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with them about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Ritual Talk: Any movie that creates a fully realized world - thinking Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Kubrick films - that convinces its audience of its reality. For us, making music is very much like that - convincing a listener that the sonic world in our heads is a reasonable way to hear the world!

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you wouldn’t miss a concert?
Alex D: Led Zeppelin. Rock & Roll. Trem: Uh, probs Led Zeppelin. Tom: Led Zeppelin, no doubt. Dylan: Dude, Led Zeppelin! T.J:  Prime CSN

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Ritual Talk: Make a great scramble to start off the day. Hit the nearest park for a stroll and a frisbee toss. And then see where the day takes us (hopefully towards a game of catan).

How would you describe your music in just one word?
RT: Expansive

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
Website: https://ritualtalk.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ritualtalk/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0VKLniHOjxzm8I8IXp7bej

A few words with Carolyn Miller

I've recently photographed NYC based singer/song-writer Carolyn Miller on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Carolyn Miller: A Walk To Remember - I was OBSESSED with that movie and soundtrack all throughout middle school and high school. That CD was on repeat all the time! So many great memories associated with those songs and that movie... love me a good love story :)

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you wouldn’t miss a concert?
CM: Whitney Houston - Hearing that voice live would've been magical.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
CM: Oh man, this is a hard one. I don't get them too often but when I do, I'd say shop, mani/pedi, massage - I'm such a girly girl! Also, if the weather allows, I love going to a rooftop bar on a night off. Nothing's better than sharing a few good convos with a few good friends over a few good cocktails -- all while watching the sunset over NYC! My personal favorite spot is Pod 39 - highly recommend!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
CM: Country-Pop

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
My debut EP will be released in the coming months -- can't wait! My music website is currently being built, so social media is the best place right now for everything :-)

A few words with Kate Kay Es

I've recently photographed NYC based singer/musician/song-writer Kate Kay Es on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Kate Kay Es: I would love to have written a song for the movie "Babel". This is a beautiful, visually stunning film about the human experience through different lenses. It evokes a strong feeling and emotion from beginning to end. The music that I write hopes to do the same.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
KKS: Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson. Both would be a dream!

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
KKS: I love to walk around different areas of New York, as well as going to modern art galleries and drinking coffee!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
KKS: Experiential.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? 

A few words with Hotsy Totsy

I've recently photographed indie pop trio Hotsy Totsy on their show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with them about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Jenny Pilong: I kept racking my brain for a “cool” answer to this one, but… alas... I don’t have one. I actually don’t see a lot of movies, but I feel like it would have been cool to have had something on the "Hunger Games" soundtrack. I love writing melancholy, minor chord filled songs, so I think pairing that with a dystopian centric story would have been a match made in heaven. At least for me. Haha. Also, I kind of wish our song, “South Seas”, was around for Adam Sandler’s “50 First Dates”… which may or may not be one of my favorite movies… that I’ve actually seen. ;)

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
JP: John Lennon… or maybe Billie Holiday.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
JP: Art museums and vegan food! Particularly, Blossom Restaurant in Chelsea. I need to try every single thing on that menu.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
JP: This is a tough one. For me, personally, I think it would be wistful. For Hotsy Totsy as a whole I need two: exuberant harmony. Which I think is sort of fair, since there are three of us. Haha.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? 
Links to our Soundcloud, youtube, Spotify, etc. can all be found on our website.

A few words with Naomi Gillies

I've recently photographed singer/song-writer Naomi Gillies on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Naomi Gillies: Hmmm, I'm not actually a huge movie person, but I'll have to say "Requiem for a Dream". The music from that movie is so creepy and cool.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
NG: Probably sounds pretty cliche, but Michael Jackson and Prince. I never got to see either of them live and I'll regret that forever.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
NG: I like to go to the park and chill or go walk doggo's at the local animal shelter. :)

How would you describe your music in just one word?
NG: I don't think I'm self aware enough to answer this one :-P I asked my fiancé, he said he thinks soulful. I'll say "soulpop."

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? My very first EP is still in the production stage, but it will be out soon, I hope! You will be able to find it on my website, and of course Spotify, iTunes, etc. You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

A few words with Francis Aud

I've recently photographed Singer/Songwriter Francis Aud on his show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with him about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Francis Aud: What a great question! So my favorite movie of all time is this super low-budget (or maybe it was a really big budget film but good lord the special effects don't seem that way) film called Short Circuit 2. It's about this self-aware robot who comes to live in NYC with a computer scientist/engineer, a swindler, and a shady banker to make toys and learn about human emotions. Anyways, I say all that because it's one of those typical, cheesy 80's movies where the soundtrack has music you'd listen to while wearing neon spandex, doing aerobics wearing a headband, and I'd love to just use a whole bunch of synths and totally cheap sounding sound effects to make something really fun.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
FA: This one is a three-way tie between Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding, and Jackie Wilson. Note for anyone who wants to see what a TRUE performance looks like, go watch Otis Redding's performance at The Monterey International Pop Festival.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
FA: Depends on the season! Spring/Summer: Going for a walk in Greenwich village. Fall: Going for a walk around Morningside Heights and writing in Straus Park. Winter: Not going for any walks and exploring a new coffee shop to journal in.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
FA: Genuine.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? 
The lovely masses can listen to my music at my website as well as searching 'Francis Aud' on Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud:
Website: francisaud.com
Bandcamp: https://francisaudmusic.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/francisaudmusic

A few words with Janelle & the Gentlemen

I've recently photographed Nashville based rock-n-roll band Janelle & The Gentlemen on their show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with them about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Janelle Faiman: Anything Quentin Tarantino has produced. There is a dark sexy energy that I connect with. I probably watched Natural Born Killers 100 times in my early 20's.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
JF: Elvis Presley in the late 60's and early 70's. He had nothing to prove, but he continued to perform, older, out of shape and better than ever.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
JF: Museum of Sex.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
JF: Rich.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? 

A few words with Brian Charette

I've recently photographed New York City organist/pianist Brian Charette on his show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with him about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Brian Charette: Blade Runner. It's my favorite movie sound track and I find the tone of the film dark and inspiring.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
BC: The Beatles.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
BC: Sleep.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
BC: Genius.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? 

A few words with Bianca Muñiz

I've recently photographed the Amazing singer song-writer Bianca Muñiz on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Bianca Muñiz: Hmmm, I absolutely love "The Life of Pi". Especially the scene where the water is glowing at night and the moon is out and shining bright and there are jelly fish everywhere. It's so magical, that movie is incredible. I would be honored to write a song for that movie.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
BM: I'd have to say Ella Fitzgerald!

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
BM: If it's nice out, I love exploring Central Park or the Botanical Gardens. If not, going to the gym and then lying in bed watching Netflix.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
BM: Hypnotic.

(encore) Where can people listen to your music online? 
- Website: www.biancamuniz.com
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5gguUFXsf8vDBX2xuoKCp2
- iTunes: https://itun.es/us/eS0Wdb
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bianca-curly-muniz/florasia-taylor-mcferrin-cover

A few words with Elsie and The Vibe

I've recently photographed Elsie and The Vibe on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
 It'd be so great to be involved in any Disney movie - I've always loved their music!!

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
Elsie: Etta James.

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Elsie: Relax! The city moves at a very fast pace, so if I'm not working I use the time to rejuvenate - then play some more music with friends or go to see a gig!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
Elsie: Passionate.

(encore) Where can people listen to your music online? 
Elsie: You can find my music on Spotify, Soundcloud and pretty much all the other places you find music these days! You can also stay up to date with any shows and new releases on my Facebook or Instagram

A few words with Occurrence

Occurrence is the electronic music project of playwright Ken Urban and vocalists Cat Hollyer and Johnny Hager.

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Ken Urban: Blue Velvet. I think that movie influenced so much of what I understood about sound and visuals.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
KU: It's weird that so many bands I love are now touring again. Maybe Public Image Ltd during the Flowers of Romance period. 

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
KU: Not leave my apartment.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
KU: Iced.


Where can people listen to your music online? 
KU: occurrencemusic.com and http://thepastwilllastforever.com/


A few words with Juice

I've recently photographed Boston-based band Juice on their sold-out show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with them about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
Rami: Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters; Miles: The Grateful Dead; Chris: Led Zeppelin; Michael: The Beatles; Daniel: Gwen Stefani; Ben: The Wiggles; Christian: Prince; Kamau: Michael Jackson

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Walk around in search of delicious food (maybe some ramen) and go shopping.

How would you describe your music in just one word?

(encore) Where can people listen to your music online? 
On our website: www.itstimeforjuice.com
On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3sj0Iod16OcdGir7ZJXv8U?play=true
Our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/itstimeforjuice