A few words with Emily Browning

I've recently photographed Emily Browning on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Emily Browning: I'm a big sucker for romance movies if they're well written! There's a movie called About Time - a beautiful love story that surrounds a young guy who discovers that he can travel back in time through his own life. The reason I'd want to write a song for this particular movie is because there's no big love-drama or "chase the girl" scene... Instead, it is more focused on the finer details of what it actually means to be in love.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
EBEarth Wind and Fire!

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
EB: I've only been to NYC once and had a total of three days there. But one of my favorite parts was grabbing a bagel with a friend and taking it to Bryant Park - sitting on the grass and watching the local juggling club.

How would you describe your music in just one word?
EB: Intimate

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
I'm mostly active on Instagram but my music is on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud, and Youtube!