A few words with Ritual Talk

I've recently photographed NYC based Psychedelic Indie Rock band Ritual Talk on their show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with them about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Ritual Talk: Any movie that creates a fully realized world - thinking Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Kubrick films - that convinces its audience of its reality. For us, making music is very much like that - convincing a listener that the sonic world in our heads is a reasonable way to hear the world!

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you wouldn’t miss a concert?
Alex D: Led Zeppelin. Rock & Roll. Trem: Uh, probs Led Zeppelin. Tom: Led Zeppelin, no doubt. Dylan: Dude, Led Zeppelin! T.J:  Prime CSN

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
Ritual Talk: Make a great scramble to start off the day. Hit the nearest park for a stroll and a frisbee toss. And then see where the day takes us (hopefully towards a game of catan).

How would you describe your music in just one word?
RT: Expansive

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online?
Website: https://ritualtalk.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ritualtalk/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0VKLniHOjxzm8I8IXp7bej