A few words with Kate Kay Es

I've recently photographed NYC based singer/musician/song-writer Kate Kay Es on her show in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall, and took the opportunity to chat with her about a few other things:

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

(live at Rockwood Music Hall, NYC // © Leonardo Mascaro)

One, two, three, four!

Which movie would you love to have written a song for?
Kate Kay Es: I would love to have written a song for the movie "Babel". This is a beautiful, visually stunning film about the human experience through different lenses. It evokes a strong feeling and emotion from beginning to end. The music that I write hopes to do the same.

If you could go back in time, who is the artist/band that you would’t miss a concert?
KKS: Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson. Both would be a dream!

Favorite thing to do in NYC on a day off? 
KKS: I love to walk around different areas of New York, as well as going to modern art galleries and drinking coffee!

How would you describe your music in just one word?
KKS: Experiential.

(encore) Where can we listen to your music online? 